Product Review Mondays: Routine. Cream Natural Deoderant


If you’re like me, you’re constantly on the search for a natural deodorant that actually works.

You guys – this stuff – is the bomb! I have tested this stuff out for over 6 months (different formulas) and I feel they deserve my honest review.

This deodorant cream is easy to apply and the best part aluminum free and ALL NATURAL. Not to mention the scents it comes in are killer.

BUT – do you still stink?

Yes and no. I naturally produce a lovely “je ne sais quoi” under my pitty pits. But when I apply Routine, it goes away.


  • Beautiful Scents
  • Baking Soda Free Formulas for sensitive pitty pits
  • All Natural
  • Aluminum Free
  • No marks on clothing
  • Easy to Apply
  • Baking Soda keeps the smellys down
  • The company offers refilling of the empty Jars (limited locations only) – HOW ECO!


  • Price point is high for the amount of product – $28.00 per 58ml Jar.
    • HOWEVER – one 58ml glass (reusable btw) jar can last up to 6 months with regular use. WELL WORTH THE PRICE IMO.
  • This stuff does not prevent you from sweating – that would be an antiperspirant. Perspire = sweat Anti — You get it.
    • HOWEVER – there are those of us who believe (from personal experience) that the antiperspirants are actually the main reason we sweat so much. That chemical ladened junk (hey aluminum) actually clogs up your pores and prevents your body from being able to excrete and push out little microbeads of water (i.e; sweat) through those pores. Thus leading to the body over-sweating in order to get all of that moisture out. Remember, your body is always trying to maintain a state of thermogenic neutrality. If you try to stop it – it’s going to rebel.
  • You need to apply and reapply. This stuff isn’t full of chemicals, so the more you smell, sweat or get wet (shower, calm down) means the more you need to apply for this to work! It’s all natural guys, you can’t expect miracles. But what you CAN expect is to smell lovely, naturally.



I have personally used Routine since April of 2017 and I will NEVER go back to what I was using before. The product is soft, creamy and easy to spread onto your underlady’s. Shaved or unshaved – doesn’t make a difference.

They have enough scents and formulas to keep things interesting and the longevity of the 58ml jars is truly remarkable. A little goes a long way with this stuff.


Overall, my experience with Routine. Cream Natural Deodorants has been nothing but positive. I recommend this stuff to everyone I know – all the time – and I can’t imagine going through life without it!


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